Posted by: DarinC | April 22, 2009

Lost – No Time For a Week Off

Well, with only three episodes of Lost left this season, we are left with a recap episode.  I have always despised recap episodes.  I can still remember the Growing Pains episodes where everyone would sit around the table and say, “Do you guys remember the time Ben . . .”  This show is all about flashbacks, do we really need a recap show?  I guess they are still trying to attract new viewers, but I don’t think a recap show can do that.  They should spend their time marketing the DVDs.

Well, the writers of Lost might be taking a week off, but DarinIsLost is not.  This week I will give my predictions (read: guesses) as to where each of the main characters will end up at the end of the series.  Just a note, I do not read spoilers, these are based solely on my opinions.  They may be completely wrong, but I’ll do my best.

Jacob – I don’t think Jacob’s “identity” will ever be revealed.  I don’t think he is an actual person, but more likely a supernatural being, possibly a creator-type being.

3x01_lookattheskyBen – As I’ve said before, I think Ben is ultimately the bad guy.  He will lead a band of followers into battle against Locke and the Others, eventually being killed.

Locke – He will assume his role as leader of the Others, and in the end stay on the island to continue to lead them.  I think that their society and life on the island will continue basically unchanged when the Losties finally leave.

Jack – He will again return to his role as leader of the Oceanic 815ers, and eventually get most of them off the island safely.  I’m not a huge fan of the current love stories, but to me, he likely ends up with Juliet.

Sawyer – I think that the biggest surprise will come when he turns his back on his “friends.”  He has no desire to leave the island.  I think he will join Ben in an attempt to take control of the island, but ultimately fails and likely gets killed.

Kate – I’m a little torn on Kate, but I’m going out on a limb and saying that she follows Sawyer.  I don’t see a particularly happy ending for her.

800px-118openedthebox1Hurley – Always an unlikely hero, I suspect he will play an important role in getting everyone off the island safely.  He is always portrayed as the fat, dumb guy, but he’s brighter than people give him credit for.  I also think that he might get rich when he sells his screenplay for Empire Strikes Back to George Lucas.  Or, maybe he can sell a screenplay for Star Trek to JJ Abrams.

Sayid – I think that he will continue to be on the “good” side, but gets killed in heroic fashion during the upcoming war. 

Sun and Jin – These two have to live happily ever after.  I think they both get off the island safely and get back home to raise their son.  We have been teased with their reunion for too long.

Desmond – Along with Faraday, he will get Jack, Kate, etc. out of the ’70s and back to the present day.  I’ve previously stated that I think Ben killed Penny, but last night’s recap made me doubt that theory.  Nonetheless, I think Desmond kills Ben.

800px-4x02_poor_dany2Faraday – You’ll have to excuse my man-crush on Faraday, but you’ve got to like the scrawny, smart guy who ultimately ends up a hero.  I think his knowledge of time-travel, and likely connection to the island will put him in a special position to affect the outcome of the show.  I suspect the last event on the island will be Faraday somehow setting in motion the events that lead to the safe return of the heroes.  I don’t think he makes it off the island.

Miles – An unfortunate casualty, I don’t think he makes it off the island.

So, there you have it, my predictions.  Sort of like filling out an NCAA bracket, I feel fairly confident in some of my picks, and I realize that others are longshots.  I don’t expect things to end happily for everyone, I mean this is the same show that killed off Charlie.  What do you think?  Agree?  Disagree?  Let me hear it.


  1. Jack – He will again return to his role as leader of the Oceanic 815ers, and eventually get most of them off the island safely.

    Why on earth would Jack try to get the remaining 815ers, which are few, off the island when he went through so much trouble to help Ben get the O6 on the island? That doesn’t make any sense to me.

  2. Hurley is already a millionaire, he doesn’t need to get rich.

    • Yeah, I guess DarinIsLost got that one wrong… Hurley real objective was to get rid of the Ewoks.

  3. Thanks for the comments.
    As for Jack, I think he is a changed man. He is now a man of faith, much different from when he left the island the first time. If you don’t think Jack leaves the island, then what is his ultimate fate?

    And, as for Hurley, the Empire Strikes Back statement was a joke. He will be transported back to 2007 much to soon to actually complete a re-write of the movie, and how would he get the script to Hollywood? the submarine?

  4. I disagree with almost everything. I don’t think they’re ever going to leave the island.
    Also, Sun and Jin have a daughter, not a son.

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